Islam is the modern and scientific religion.It is preached after the Christianity.Islam declared tat Allah is is the owner of the Sovereignty .Christians seem to have an incredible ego, especially
when it comes to other religions. Almost without
exception, a Christian believes that his is the only true
religion.Judaism have come along beforehand, but to the
Christian, it was simply a preparation for the faith of
Christianity.To his way of thinking, God made the Jews His Chosen
people. This designation meant that the Jews were set
aside by God, and it was to them, and them only, He sent
His revelations and prophets. Therefore, the Christian
feels he can only believe in Israelite prophets, and all
others are impostors.
Islam presents another matter altogether for the
Christian. Almost as soon as Islam burst out of Arabia
following the death of Prophet Muhammad, the Christians
began to carry on about the fact that a man from Arabia
actually had the audacity to go around claiming he was a
Messenger from God.
Even though Islam emphatically stated that it would be
a denial of universal providence to God by saying that He
would raise prophets in only one nation, the Christians
still would not listen. Prophet Muhammad was not a Jew,
therefore, in their eyes, he was a false prophet bearing
false witness from a false god.
At first, the Christians reaction to Islam was simply
that of low grumblings. When the Fatimid caliph Hakim
destroyed the Christians shrines In Jerusalem in 1010,
however, the grumbles developed into a roar. The
Christians in Europe were already living in fear of a
Muslim invasion, and this was the last straw. When Pope
Urban 11 called for a Crusade in 1095 to liberate the
Holy Land from the infidel, the hate campaign against
Islam took off like a rocket, coming into its heyday in
the twelfth century.
In their verbal assaults upon Islam, many vile and
shameful things were foisted off by the so-called
"learned people" of that time upon the people
at large.
Prophet Muhammad was considered to be the Anti-Christ;
a false prophet; a nationalistic charlatan a bombastic
egotist; a tyrant; and a sensualist, among other things.
The Qur'an was said to be a collection of harangues,
insane drivel, and "toilsome reading that is
wearisome, confused jumble". In the eyes of the
Mediveal Christians, the Qur'an could not possibly be the
Word of God, since Muhammad was a false prophet, so it
was said to be a forgery; they went on to say that it was
nothing more than the result of epileptic seizures on the
part of Muhammad which he then proceeded to pass off as
divine revelation.
Islam, the religion, was seen as nothing more than an
aberration--a heresy--of Christianity; it was viewed as
the "religion of the sword", and was
insultingly termed "Mohammedanism".
Muslims themselves did not escape the wrath of the
Medieval Christians, who called them infidels, pagans,
Saracens and Mohammedans.
Unable to accept Islam, the Christians became
downright hostile. In their verbal assaults, the Church
leaders made full use of techniques such as bias ands
distortion, mispresentation, inventing details in order
to attack them, etc. Time has not made things better,
unfortunately; the time of the Crusades is long gone, but
Christians still cannot accept Islam. For many modern
Christians, however, a new approach is being taken to
what they consider "the menace" of Islam.
The Missionary Efforts
The violence against the Muslims that marked the
Crusades was also coupled with a missionary effort on the
part of the Christians in order "to return the
pagans to the Lord". These missionary efforts,
however, met with very little success, despite all the
time and money that has been spent over the many hundreds
of years that it has been going on.
First efforts at converting Muslims utilized the same
polemic that was used on the Christians themselves, and
the Muslims, naturally, refused to listen to such talk.
Time has shown the Christians that insults do not gain
interest, so the modern Christian missionary effort to
the Muslims has taken a whole new direction, in that the
Christians are now "reaching out to Muslims with
In the United States, an organization called
"Center for Ministry To Muslims" has put out
quite an array of material aimed at presenting the
message of Christianity to a Muslim. Polemics are not
used, but methods are still unsavory as distortions,
mis-translations and even fabrications are being used.
The truth of Christianity is covered up under a sugary
coating, and CMM targets those Muslims who are alone in
this country, without the spiritual and moral support of
family and friends.
One of the more interesting efforts on the part of the
folks at CMM is a magazine entitled "Noor Ul
Haq", or "Light of Truth". Printed in
English and Arabic, its format gives all the appearance
of it being an Islamic publication, yet it is really a
Christian missionary magazine aimed at reaching Muslims.
It makes use of Islamic terminology and Quranic
revelations, but subtleness is the key here, as these
things are distorted and interpreted out-of-context in
order to give the impression to a Muslim that they back
up Christian teachings. For a Muslim with limited
knowledge, this sort of thing can lead to a good deal of
CMM is small-time, however, in the face of the Zwemer
Institute For Muslim Studies. This California-based
institution, which takes its name from a Dutch Reformed
missionary who spent approximately fifty years in the
early part of this century ministering to Muslims in the
Middle East, trains Christians in the technique of
ministering to Muslims. The students at this institute
study Arabic, Islamic history, Islamic culture, and the
state of Islamic faith and practice. These people really
have their act together, and are not, by any means,
ignorant when it comes to Islam.
Biased, yes; ignorant, no.
Biased, yes; ignorant, no.
This is a very thorough effort: Student ministers and
missionaries enrolled at the Institute take all sorts of
regular classes on Islam; in addition to study carried
out at the Institute itself, nine-hour seminars on Islam
are available for interested church groups, and the
Institute has a publishing center that churns out all
manner of flyers, newsletters, brochures, pamphlets,
books, and even films and videotapes.
It is all quite impressive for the Christian, but
dangerous for the Muslim. The Christian missionaries who
come out of this place no longer attempt to show that
Islam is a "mass of errors". They now try to
show that Islam contains "fragments of disjointed
truths", and from there, they try to convince a
Muslim that these fragments of truth are made whole in
Christianity. Verbal assaults have now been set aside in
favor of trying to establish doubt in the mind of a
Muslim regarding his beliefs. The Christians hope that
this doubt will lead to dissatisfaction, which will then
lead to a switch from Islam to Christianity.
The Christian missionaries look with great interest at
the tensions within the Muslim world today. The Zwemer
Institute tells its people:
"Such displacement of peoples and disruption of
normal lives has shaken old traditions and brought new
openness among many Muslims to hear the good news of
Jesus Christ...the myth of an impregnable Islam is no
longer valid."[31]
The figures given by the Zwemer Institute for converts
are no doubt "enhanced"--after all, small
numbers won't keep the students and the money coming
in--but the fact does remain that this Christian
"tree" IS bearing fruit.
Muslims are being enticed to leave Islam for
As Islam continues to grow, organizations like CMM and
the Zwemer Institute are getting stronger and more adept
themselves at what they do. No longer can the Muslim sit
back and ignore this; it will come knocking on his door
sooner or later, and he must be prepared. He must be
strong in his faith, and he must know about "the
other guy" in order to stand up to it.
The Anti-Hate Campaign
Although organizations such as CMM and the Zwemer
Institute are chugging along quite nicely with their
"reach out to Muslims with love" campaign, in
the background lurks the other method Christians use even
frequently to deal with Islam; it is the one that began
during the time of the Crusades, and one which never
fully died out. Dubbed "the Crusades
Mentality", these verbal assaults on Islam are
simply a continuation of activities that began over 900
years ago when Pope Urban II whipped up the crowds at
Clermont regarding the infidels in the East.
Evidence that this hate campaign still continues to
rear its ugly head can be seen in
bookstores--particularly the Christian ones--and on the
shelves of public libraries.
So-called "orientalists" in the nineteenth
and twentieth century have written some pretty disgusting
things on the Islamic world: examples can be found in
Durant's "Story of Civilization", Gibbons'
"The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire",
Gunther's "Inside Asia", H.G. Wells' "The
Outline of History" --all of which are considered to
be "classics" in the world of history. Bias and
hostility shine through in all cases, and one can only
wonder why these men would choose, as their life's work,
to study a region of the world for which they feel so
much hatred. Even Albert Hourani's recent and celebrated
"A History of the Arab Peoples" is replete with
bias and hostility.
But the anti-hate material really comes its own in the
hands of the fundamentalist Christians: take the book
"Islam Revealed", written by an Arab Christian
in 1988. On its back cover, it promises to give its
readers "an eye opening look at the deadly beliefs
of every one in five people on earth".
American author Robert Morey, an "internationally
acclaimed scholar" in the field of comparative
religions--and a fundamentalist Christian to
boot--recently came out with a book entitled "Islam
Unveiled: The True Desert Storm" (1991) which
claims, on its back cover, to "prove" that all
the rituals and beliefs of Islam can be traced to
pre-Islamic pagan origins. Dr. Morey also has a radio
show in which he regularly blasts Islam; in a recent
show, he actually came out and said:
"...if Muhammad were alive today, he most likely would be diagnosed as a psychotic serial-killer mass-murderer and child-molester. " Material such as this, just a representation of the considerable volume of hate material being produced today, is despicable. It merely serves to strengthen and expand the stereotypes of Islam held by Christians, and to increase the levels of distrust and hostility between members of the two faiths. How is it possible to approach one another on a friendly basis when garbage like this is permeating one's mind?
"...if Muhammad were alive today, he most likely would be diagnosed as a psychotic serial-killer mass-murderer and child-molester. " Material such as this, just a representation of the considerable volume of hate material being produced today, is despicable. It merely serves to strengthen and expand the stereotypes of Islam held by Christians, and to increase the levels of distrust and hostility between members of the two faiths. How is it possible to approach one another on a friendly basis when garbage like this is permeating one's mind?
As Islam continues to grow and spread, these attacks
will increase. The Christians are afraid, and this is one
way they have chosen to deal with that fear. It is a
method that has been around for hundreds of years, and
they are most comfortable with it. Rather than try to
open the doors of dialogue, they lash out in vitriolic
Portrayal In Other Forms of Media
Besides the books, pamphlets, radio shows, etc., that
are aimed directly at Islam, there are the more subtle
attacks made by Christians through main-stream works of
fiction and non-fiction, along with television and movie
portrayals of Islam and Muslims as a seething mass of
terrorism and terrorists.
Books include such works as "The Source" by
James Mitchner and the recent "The Sum of All
Fears" by Tom Clancy; then there are the
stereo-typing titles such as "Jihad", "The
Holy Sword", and "Sacred Rage". One quite
disturbing novel, "Holy of Holies", tells the
story of how several Frenchmen, with Soviet backing and
Israeli support, level the Grand Mosque during hajj. And
of course, forget Salman Rushdie's infamous novel
"The Satanic Verses"; he has said time and time
again that insulting Islam was not his purpose, but the
names and places he has used in his book are just too
coincidental to believe what he says.
Attacks made through television are interesting. In
the summer of 1991, for instance, a series of debates
were held between two Muslims and two Christians on
matters of difference between the two religions. The six
debates were televised on a Christian gospel show over
several weeks, and the Muslims did a very good job of
representing their faith, even in the light of outright
hostility from all sides, including the moderator, the
two Christian debaters, and even the predominately
Christian audience.
The people from the television show, however, managed
to get "the last laugh". first of all, they
"edited" the broadcast tapes in order to cast
the Muslims in a particularly bad light, and secondary,
they issued a booklet in conjunction with the debate
series for home viewers that was entitled "The Facts
On Islam". A more appropriate title for the booklet
would have been "The Fallacies of Islam", since
one finds very little truth therein, but a lot of
distortion, misrepresentation and outright lies.
As for films, there is "Black Sunday", where
Palestinian "Terrorists" plot to annihilate all
those attending the Superbowl (annual professional
football championship game), along with the movie
"Not Without My Daughter", which paints a truly
terrible picture of relationships within Muslim families.
Stereotypes are fostered and continued by things such
as this; as long as such continues, Islam will have a
difficult time being seen in anything but an unfavorable
As Muslim, we must be strong when it comes to attacks
such as this upon our faith--be it by "methods of
love", or outright venom. God tells us in the
"Ye Shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in yourselves; and ye shall certainly hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the Book before you and from those who worship partners besides Allah. But if ye persevers patiently, and guard against evil, --then that indeed is a matter of great resolution." (3:186)
"Ye Shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in yourselves; and ye shall certainly hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the Book before you and from those who worship partners besides Allah. But if ye persevers patiently, and guard against evil, --then that indeed is a matter of great resolution." (3:186)
Thanks for posting a nice artical.