Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Jesus and The Holy Qur'an:A Creative Study

Jesus was sent not only to reform the Jewish people from their deviation from the path of Allah but also bring back the universal message of the unity of mankind and this particular feature of his preaching made the Jewish people antagonistic Jesus.It was their firm belief that they were the favoured people of Allah and that their Scripture,the Torah,confirmed it.

Allah sent the Gospel (Injil) through Jesus to put mankind back on the true path.The writtings we have which appeared from 70 C.E.onwards were based on oral traditios and were written by several people at different periods of time .Enevitably, given their distance in time from the real Jesus,the personal bias of each writer came into their writings.Many works with many countless contradictions between them were in circulation.Eventually,four works from this number were arbitrarily canonised, which today are known as the Gospels.These four works are certainly not the same Gospel(Injil) of Jesus as mentioned in the Qur'an.

Modern biblical scholars are also of the opinion that Matthew,Mark,Luke and John are not the authors of the four Gospels but rather titles attributed to compilations of diverse materials already collected by others.Obviously, the possibility clearly exists that in the process of  compiling these doubtful works, ideas directly repugnant to the preaching of Jesus entered the text.The so-called Gospels contain many contradictions,one prime example being the purported ascension of Jesus.  Neither 'Matthew' nor 'John' speak of Jesus ascension. 'Luke' mentions the ascension with  reference to time,whereas 'Mark' does not give any clue as to when this occurrence was supposed to have happened.

Considered literally, the birth of Jesus without his mother Mary having had any physical relationship with a man appears to be a miracle .However, to explain further we need to consider the circumstances in which Mary grew up. From her very childhood she was living in a sanctuary under the guardianship of  Zacharias. Below, I quote from The Holy Qur'an by Maulana Muhammad Ali,who in his commentary on his on his translation,says the following:

                                  (3:45) clearly gives her news of the birth of a child and therefore the particular incident referred to in 3:44 is the incident of her marriage. The casting of lots and the contention as to who would have her his charge could not mean anything but her charge as a wife. Lots were evidently cast because as a child she she had been dedicated to the sanctury,and it is now by a lot only that she could be given away in marriage. 

                                    Thus in verse (3:45) quoted below, when she was given the good news of a son being born to her, she was perhaps not informed that her marriage had been decided. And she was told in reply, 'Even so' i.e. the child will be born by Allah bringing about the circumstances which result in the birth of a child. The words do not show that she would conceive out of the ordinary course of nature. Nor do the words that follow prove anything beyond the simple fact that Mary must give birth to a son in accordance with the prophecy. The whole of creation is brought about, we vare told again and again,by the divine word kun (Be) , yet no one supposes that creation is not brought about according to the laws of nature.

                                  (3:45-47) (And remember ) when the angels said: O Mary ! Lo! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a word from Him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, illustrious in the world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near ( unto Allah). He will speak unto mankind in his cradle and in his manhood, and he is of the righteous.She said: O my Sustainer How can I have a son when no man has ever touched me? The Angel answered: Thus it is: Allah creates what He wills: when He wills a thing to be,He but says unto it, 'Be'-and it is .

'It is remarkable that the Qur'an makes no mention at all of Mary's husband,and in this respect, these circumstances bear a strong resemblance to those connected with Moses' birth,for there,too, no mention at all is made of Moses' father. The mere fact ,therefore,that there is no mention of Jesus' father is not sufficient to show that Jesus had no father.